  AGM Minutes '08  

The following are the agreed actions and events arising from the AGM held at the Lawns Hotel on Wednesday 6th February 2008 at 8.30pm.

Present: Doreen Roberts, Kelvin Roberts, Kev Sewell, Jean Archer, Ged Archer, Pauline Cartwright, Dave Cartwright, Lynne Mooney, John Mooney.

Apologies: Kath Marvill, Dave Marvill, Sue Sewell.

1) Election of Secretary
Kelvin was proposed and seconded for role of secretary (note – not honorary because he is not honourable). The voting was unanimous. It was agreed that the term of office should be for two years then somebody else should be proposed.

Many thanks to John for his tremendous efforts over the past few years.

2) Future Events (in chronological order)
2.1 Kelvin will be buying drinks at the Lawns on 22 February to celebrate Doreen’s 60th (on the 21st).

2.2 Last year’s boat trip was so successful that it was agreed to go again on Saturday 3 May. Doreen is arranging.

2.3 June 20/21/22 were the agreed dates for the walking weekend. Bradwell was suggested but other venues can be put forward. Please send your nominations to Kelvin by the end of February. It was recommended that we eat out on the Friday evening and eat in on the Saturday.

2.4 The Calke evening is on Friday 8 August though the Archers, Cartwrights and Roberts are unavailable. Lynne will organise if the others are interested.

2.5 A change of tradition this year, in that the Cartwright’s barbecue has been replaced with an evening at the Archers on Saturday 23 August.

2.6. It was agreed that the Nottingham Greyhounds evening will be on Friday 19 September and will be arranged by Kev.

2.7 Please keep 9 November free as it’s Ged’s 65th and something will be arranged.

2.8 Following the success of the last two years, there was no debate over this year’s Christmas bash location. It is at the Hilton House on Saturday 13 December. It is being organised by Kelvin, the unhonourable secretary.

2.9 Doreen proposed that all future New Year’s Eve parties have a theme (possibly fancy dress). Everyone agreed but it was requested that at least 4 weeks notice is given. Hosts required.

2.10 Local walks will be held every Bank Holiday Monday. Conditions were that the walk would be no longer than 5 miles, were within a 20 miles radius and would finish at a pub. It was agreed that we’d all take it in turns to organise. I believe that the last two walks were arranged by the Cartwrights and the Roberts so the future ones will be organised by (alphabetical order):-

Easter 23 March ................. Archer
May Day 5 May ................. Marvill
Spring Bank 26 May .......... Mooney
August 25 August ............. Sewell

Note: If the “volunteers” can’t do the suggested dates, please arrange for another couple to deputise.

2.11 It was agreed that everyone enjoys quiz nights, or even games nights. If one could be fitted in somewhere, it would be appreciated.

3) FridayNighters Charity Contribution Programme
Dave Cartwright, the fund co-ordinator, reported that we’d collected £175 since the last meeting. After some debate, it was agreed that we’d continue to have a voluntary charity box at each “home” event and that the accumulated money would be shared between the Spinal Research and Cancer Research UK

Note: I’m sure Dave would happily accept donations at other times as well, for example, the walks.

4) FridayNighters Web Site
Kev was thanked for his efforts in maintaining the web-site. He emphasised that the cost was minimal and so didn’t need to be shared by the membership. The only two constraints were:-
• Content – he’d welcome ideas for (eg) Which FridayNighter entries, news items, competitions, other things of interest.
• Time – as one of the few FridayNighters who isn’t retired or working part-time, time is of a premium. However, he agreed to get out of the lazy streak that has obvious gotten hold of him and to “get his finger out”. Therefore every spare minute will be assigned to designing the Family and Miscellaneous sections. Then he’ll be asking you for information about your families in order to populate the various family pages. Be prepared.
PS. This rant is one of the few privileges of taking the minutes.

5) Any Other Business
The logo competition was close but the eventual winner was Kath. Congratulations. The new logo will appear on the web-site at the next update.

Some possibilities for next year were discussed. For example, a weekend (2 nights) away at a 3* hotel (half board) by coach to places like Torquay, Bournemouth, Newquay. Ged and Jean to advise following their trip to Torquay.

Dave and Ged mentioned a Eurostar trip to Bruges. They’ll investigate further.

Pauline reminded Kelvin that he promised to learn a musical instrument; he should not be allowed to wimp out.

Kev was, for some strange reason, asked to give a repeat performance at this year’s New Year’s Eve party. He agreed on the proviso that someone else (ie. Kelvin) volunteered to display their newly discovered musical talents.
(Afterthought – if the musical instrument does not materialise, then another “party trick” will be expected).

Please give your mobile phone number to Kev, who will then distribute the whole list to everyone (Cartwrights, Mooneys, Roberts and Sewells obtained already).

Thanks to the Lawns for the sandwiches.

The meeting concluded, in chaos, at 22:07.

Temporary assistant to the Secretary (what you might call a one night stand)