Friday-Nighters Friday-Nighters


1982 - 1989   The start of the FridayNighters; six of us in the Rose and Crown every Friday evening. The main social event was the Christmas meal at the Hilton House though we often met up at social occasions in Chellaston (such as the carnival) .......... more.

1990 - 1994   This was the period when the various outings started; especially the camping, Butlins and the canal trip. There were more parties and the annual Cartwrights' barbecue commenced .......... more.

1995 - 1999   This era signalled the end of the male-only Friday evenings when the wives joined us; as did Cyril and Mick. There were many riotous 50th birthday parties, with the associated lamp-post decorating .......... more.

2000 - 2004   In this time we started the Bank Holiday walks, went to outdoor concerts, the parties became more themed and the first of walking weekends away took place. Quite an eventful time .......... more.

2005 - 2009   We are getting older, if not maturer. We are all grandparents and the aches and pains are slowing us down. However, we're still out every Friday and the parties are as loud as ever; just less dancing and more talking .......... more.

2010 - 2014   Slowing down, less parties, less walks and now sitting on a Friday night rather than standing. Some operations and illnesses but we are still going strong .........more.

2015 - 2019  We've slowed down so much that any slower and we'd be going backwards. No weekends away, no walks, no parties and Friday nights reduced to zoom .......... more.

2020 - still here .......... more.