  AGM Minutes '06  
The following are the agreed actions arising from the AGM held at the Lawns Hotel on Monday 9th January 2006 at 8.30pm

Present: Kev Sewell, Doreen Roberts, Kelvin Roberts, Dave Marvill, Kath Marvill, Pauline Cartwright, Dave Cartwright, Jean Archer, Ged Archer, Lynne Mooney, John Mooney

Apologies: Sue Sewell

1. Future Events

1.1 Xmas PU Feb 3rd at Bistro Pierre.
Meet at Standing Order 7.00pm for a meal at 8.00pm

1.2 March 24th – Assembly Rooms - Darren Brown

Kev is to obtain tickets for those members who wish to attend this show. The remainder are to meet in the Standing Order

Note: Assembly Rooms cancelled due to ticket sell out.
Members to decide if Standing Order venue is still on

1.3 June 10th Eyam
A week- end in Eyam was agreed for June 10th

Hon Sec to arrange accommodation with evening meal for the Saturday
Doreen R to plan suitable walking routes for the weekend

1.4 August 12th Calke Abbey Concert
Members agreed to attend the Saturday evening concert to be given by the English

Hon Sec to arrange tickets/transport/gazebo pitch

1.5 August 13th Calke Abbey Concert
Some members expressed a wish to attend the pop concert on the preceding
Evening in addition to the Saturday evening concert. Final decision to be taken
nearer to the time

Review in May

1.6 Dublin / Barcelona Trip
Dave Cartwright proposed we consider a weekend in either Dublin or Barcelona.
Barcelona appeared to be the preference.

Dave C to conduct further research in terms of dates and costs etc

1.7 Cartwright Barbecue
Provisional date for the summer barbecue is July 29th.

Pauline C to advise exact date nearer the time

1.8 Trent River Cruise
Doreen R proposed a Trent river cruise one summer evening

Doreen R to provide more details

1.9 Warner Weekend
John M proposed we consider a seaside weekend at a Warner resort

John M to provide more details

2.0 Charity Fund
David and Pauline reported that the fund total was now £170.

After general discussions into how the fund could be increased, it was decided that
all Friday Nighters events would include a personal contribution to the fund The
amount would be decided at the commencement of each event and before any
alcohol is consumed.

3.0 Friday Nighters Web Site
It was agreed that the Friday Nighters web site would continue under the control
of the web master, Kev. Any charges associated with maintaining the site
would be shared amongst the members.

All members are requested to inform Kev of any amendments or additions

The meeting concluded at 9.30pm